Saturday June 13th 2015
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
( You Can't Be Cursed )
To The Bible :
Romans 8 vs 1. NASB
" Therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
Some people believe they can be affected by sorcery or curses, because of the negative information they've exposed themselves to. This might be the case for those who don't know Jesus, but if you're a Christian, that can never be true for you. You should know that you've been blessed by God, and you're completely invulnerable to sorcery or curses ( Ephesians 1 vs 3, & 1 Peter 3 vs 9 ).
When you read Galatians 3 verse 29 , you'll see that you're from Abraham's family, and remember, God had said to him, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed" ( Genesis 12 verse 3).
Any believer who thinks that some curse, or spell, or voodoo may be deterring him from succeeding is simply ignorant of this truth.
No one can place a curse on you, because you're born again and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Even if they tried, it wouldn't work, because the bible says no weapon formed against you shall prosper ( Isaiah 54 verse 17).
A Christian can only make himself vulnerable to a curse if he's ignorant of the Word Of God, and therefore, lives at variance with the Word.
By so doing, he takes himself away from the protective cover of God.
But as long as you stay in the Word, the Bible says, " For there is no sorcery against Jacob, nor any divination against Israel....." ( Numbers 23 verse 23 ).
So you see, the truth is that you're invulnerable to sorcery; you can't be cursed!
Galatians 3 verse 13 - 14
The Mirror Bible Translation
Christ redeemed us from the curse as consequence of our failure to keep the law. In his cross he concentrated the total curse of the human race upon himself. In his abandoning himself to death, he absorbed and dissolved the horror of the curse in his own person. Scripture declares that anyone hanging on a tree embodies the curse. (Deut 21:23)
This act of Christ released the blessing of Abraham upon the Gentiles! Now we are free to receive the blessing of the Spirit. (Righteousness by God’s faith in the achievement of Christ, and not as a reward to our behavior. In the obedience of Christ Deuteronomy 28 is out-dated! [Rom 5:19, Eph 1:3] The mass of non-Jewish nations.)
Galatians 3:13-14
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the spiritual enlightenment your Word has brought to me today. I know that no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. Your Word is in my heart and on my lips, and I'm shaping my life with it, in Jesus' Name.
Spend some time to speak faith-filled words----words of blessings---about yourself and your family today.
Write Your Own Notes Now.
Personal Note: This is a vital teaching to all who are Born Again, but are not in the Word often enough. I was lead to believe such from the time I was a little girl until a few years ago. Yet I was born again in 1999, I attended Church whenever I could (which was not often) and most services didn't teach the word strongly as I desired. Not being in the word enough and not learning about it, to empower one, is what leads people astray and gets them into trouble deeper than one can imagine. Stay with the Word of God, meditate on it, empower yourself with the word and you will overcome anything the devil might throw at you. - Haarsha Balraj
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